Thank you for having me here today for the opportunity to speak on this topic.
You should have a slide deck in front of you. I believe an English version will be posted as well.
I'd like to walk you through this deck for the next few minutes.
As you may know, CFIB is a not-for-profit, non-partisan organization representing more than 110,000 businesses across Canada. Members from our small and medium-sized businesses represent more than 1.25 million Canadians.
Small businesses across Canada account for $75 billion, or nearly half our GDP. They represent all sectors of the economy and are found in every region of the country.
As you may be aware, CFIB takes its directions solely from our members through a variety of surveys, which makes us different from other organizations. We know that business owners are often too busy to come to committees such as these, so we go directly to them for feedback through our survey process and through our field force of around 220 district managers. These district managers knock on the doors of around 4,000 businesses every week. This gives us an opportunity to understand the realities of running a business at the grassroots level.
Today, I'm here to share our members' views on economic opportunities for energy efficiency in Canada, but first I'd like to set the stage and have a look at the state of the economy.
As you see on slide 3, one of the surveys we conduct at CFIB is our monthly business barometer. Our latest barometer from the month of November shows that small business confidence has stayed somewhat muted through the month and has stayed relatively stagnant in the past few months. Ideally, we'd like to see this index between 65 and 70, when the economy is growing at its full potential. Right now the index is at around 61.2. It's not great, but not bad.
On slide 4 you'll see that small business owners want governments to take a balanced approach when it comes to implementing environmental policies. Our survey on the environment in 2016 found that the majority of members believe that actions to protect the environment can be done alongside policies that encourage economic growth, so it is important that governments carefully consider both sides of the equation when implementing environmental policies and making decisions about the development of natural resources. These decisions have a profound impact on small businesses' ability to remain competitive and create jobs.
Moving on to the next slide, as small business owners tend to be more directly tied to their communities, their views and opinions on environmental issues may often reflect those of ordinary Canadians. However, small businesses are often overlooked by policy-makers, who tend to focus their efforts primarily on changing the behaviours and attitudes of consumers and big business. When we asked our members what motivates them to go green, the vast majority said it was their personal views. Half also said that cost savings were a motivating factor, which may indicate more education is needed about how certain changes in their business can help them save money. Only 13% of our members said the fear of additional taxes and regulations motivated them to implement environmentally friendly measures.
On slide 6 we included some of the comments we received on the survey from our members about what motivates them to become more environmentally friendly. As you can see, protecting the environment is an important personal issue for many of our members. This is why you'll see on slide 7 the majority of small businesses have already taken steps to implement environmentally friendly measures in their business. Small businesses cannot always afford to make large investments or undertake big environmental projects, but it's important to recognize they are nevertheless doing what they can to protect the environment within their means. Seventy-one per cent of our members say they recycle; 63% have reduced their electricity usage and almost 40% have made the switch to more environmentally friendly products. While fewer businesses are able to afford bigger investments, 33% of our members still were able to undertake energy efficient building upgrades and a quarter said they purchased new equipment.
On slide 8 we included some examples of the sometimes creative things that our members have done in their business to help the environment. As you can see, these efforts are not limited to certain sectors or regions, but they include businesses of all types across Canada, from farming to trucking. The first example we've listed is a hair salon in B.C. that participates in a recycling program that helps divert waste away from landfills, even the hair off people's heads. This hair is then used inside a hair boom that has helped to clean up oil spills because it absorbs up to 12 times its own weight in oil.
We also wanted to know what was preventing businesses from implementing environmentally friendly measures. On slide 9 you see the biggest barrier to going green was the fact that businesses may not be able to make changes to their building. As many of our members lease rather than own, this often ties their hands in regard to how much they're able to do.
The second biggest barrier, no surprise, is cost. With increases to CPP coming in January, minimum wage increases, a new carbon tax in many provinces, the bottom line of many small businesses is just getting tighter and tighter and they are simply not able to afford these investments.
While over the long run some of these investments may save them money, the upfront costs are sometimes prohibitive for many smaller companies. While the new accelerated depreciations announced in the fall economic update will certainly be helpful, businesses still require the upfront financing to make these investments in the first place. However, banks and financial institutions don't typically lend money for things such as green renovations, so getting financing to undertake larger projects can be difficult.
Finally, we also wanted to highlight that a lack of awareness of what businesses can do to go green came in as the third biggest barrier.
Next is slide 10. When we asked our members about what government approach they would be most supportive of, raising awareness of how they could increase their energy efficiency came out on top. This indicates that government can play a big role in helping businesses not only understand what they can do, but also what cost savings may be available to them.
The measure with the second highest support from small businesses was more research on clean technologies. For businesses in sectors such as trucking, for example, they know they are limited as to how much they can reduce their emissions since the technology simply does not exist yet that would enable them to do more.
Our members are also supportive of further financial incentives, which is no surprise as cost was the second biggest barrier to going green.
Businesses are also largely supportive of enforcing current regulations. As they do their best themselves to be in compliance, they want the playing field to remain fair.
However, where there is less support among our members is for more regulations or introducing taxes and fees, such as the carbon tax, as these can actually make it more difficult to make further investments to reduce emissions as these impact their bottom line.
On slide 11, you will see some of our recommendations.
Our first recommendation is around the cost of implementing environmentally friendly measures for smaller firms. While we understand that $1.5 billion of the revenues collected from the federal carbon backstop will be allocated to small businesses, we are concerned with how this amount will be allocated. If it is too narrow in scope, too complex and time consuming, or involves a significant amount of paperwork, many small businesses will be unable to access it or may not think it applies to them.
For example, programs that require energy audits to access financing can be complex and time consuming while providing no guarantee to a small firm that they will even get any funding at the end of the whole process. Moreover, this amount for the carbon backstop only accounts for 6% of the total revenue collected. As such, we believe that the proportion of the carbon tax revenue that will be collected from SMEs will be much more significant than the amount that will be allocated to them through the dedicated fund.
Our second recommendation is to ensure that small businesses can easily access information about what their business can do to reduce their carbon footprint. There are a currently a variety of programs available at various levels of government. However, it can be very difficult for a business to track down what would be most relevant to them. As we've seen, most government websites are little bit of a maze. This could be similar to BizPaL or maybe even the innovation platform available through the ISED website.
Last, one of the biggest barriers to going green is often that the business may not own the building in which they operate. We wanted to put forward the idea of something called a green lease. This lease would enable landlords and tenants to agree upon certain environmental targets for energy, water, air quality and recycling, and would allow landlords to execute green renovations.
I want to conclude by saying that small business owners do care about the environment. The federal government must recognize the work that they're already doing to reduce their environmental footprint. Our members know that growing the economy and protecting the environment do go hand and hand, but are understandably concerned about environmental policies that seem to place an undue burden on their business through additional costs.
Thank you for your time.
Please note that we can also answer questions in French.