We have a client for whom we've done LEED, which included energy efficiency and those sorts of things, and they use that as a tool to recruit new employees. You'll find that a lot of large companies are insisting that they be in buildings that have the LEED certification. We've seen people like the Googles, the Apples and those guys. They all want to be in socially responsible buildings.
It's not just about saving energy. It's about your reputation, and your reputation among your employees that you are a good company and this is part of your culture. It's more than just the dollars and cents. The dollars and cents are there, and we've seen it.
If you look at the number of buildings that have converted to LED lights, for example, pretty much all the major buildings have done it. There are a few left to do, but not that many, which is excellent. It just shows that these sorts of things have the payback. It's been proven that the payback is there, so everybody else just jumps on board and does it.