Okay, I'll move on to another practical suggestion on how to get Canadian resource workers back to work. We have heard a lot in the news lately, especially in The Globe and Mail and on CBC, about abandoned and orphaned oil and gas wells, particularly in Alberta, obviously, but also in B.C. and Saskatchewan. The C.D. Howe Institute estimates more than 155,000 oil and gas wells have no economic potential and will require reclamation. The estimated cost of that reclamation is about $300,000 per well. If you do the math, it comes out to $47 billion. Some people put the estimate overall at over $100 billion.
As you know, a lot of these are orphaned wells where the companies have vanished and the government is left to clean up. Since your government talks continually about making polluters pay, these are toxic messes that need to be cleaned up. I'm all behind making polluters pay. It's something the NDP really has championed in this country. I'm just wondering if you have a plan to help the provinces clean up this mess. Again, this would put thousands of oil sector support workers back to work.
Is there anything you could do in the future to make sure that it's the industry that cleans up its own mess and not the people of Canada?