Thank you, Mr. Chair and members of the committee, for the invitation.
My name is Channa Perera. I'm the vice-president of policy development at the Canadian Electricity Association. I am joined by my colleague, Mr. Ian Jacobsen, the director of indigenous relations at Ontario Power Generation. We are very pleased to be here today to share our perspective on indigenous engagement.
CEA is the national voice of the Canadian electricity industry. Our members represent generation, transmission and distribution companies, as well as technology and service providers from across the country.
Electricity is indispensable to the quality of life of Canadians and to the competitiveness of our economy. The sector employs approximately 81,000 Canadians and contributes $30 billion to Canada's GDP.
As a major economic sector, we are uniquely positioned to help advance Canada's clean energy future and indigenous reconciliation. As we work toward reconciliation with indigenous people, CEA recognizes the importance of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. However, it is imperative for the government to ensure that there is no ambiguity in the implementation of these policy instruments, so that we can work toward genuine reconciliation.
The electricity industry is already at the forefront of indigenous engagement. In 2016, CEA and our member companies developed a set of core national principles for indigenous engagement, further codifying our long-standing commitment to work with local indigenous communities across the country.
Our work with indigenous communities has led to major partnerships and joint ventures, impact benefit agreements, supply chain business opportunities and direct investments in indigenous education, training and employment.
Let me highlight a few examples of these initiatives by CEA members. One example of a joint venture is the 200-megawatt Wuskwatim Power Partnership signed by Manitoba Hydro in 2006. This marked the first time that Manitoba Hydro and a first nation had entered into a formal equity partnership, ensuring the community of important business income, training, employment and other opportunities.
The industry also works with many local indigenous communities in the development of impact benefit agreements. IBAs have become an important instrument, allowing these communities to fully participate in projects carried out within the traditional territory. An example of this is the Lower Churchill project, an IBA between Nalcor Energy and the Innu Nation. These types of IBAs allow companies to work with indigenous communities on many project elements, from mitigating environmental impacts to facilitating education, training, employment and procurement opportunities.
Our efforts do not end there. We are also investing in a new generation of indigenous leaders, through specific education and training initiatives. That's why companies such as ATCO based in Alberta are taking leadership roles. In 2018, ATCO launched an indigenous youth leadership and career development pilot program for grade 9 students across Alberta. This allows indigenous students to explore local work sites and connect with skilled professionals to learn about employment options and how to build a career of their own. In addition, ATCO and other CEA member companies also support indigenous students across Canada, through financial assistance to pursue higher education.
Now, let me turn to my colleague, Ian, who will provide a practitioner's perspective on indigenous engagement at Ontario Power Generation.