I think that's a very valid and big question. To reiterate, I have learned three keys in Ecuador.
First is diversifying income streams, making sure the community is not wholly dependent on the energy industry and the income gained from that industry.
Second is making sure they have capabilities, not just the individual technical people who are being trained, but that in the community as a whole, everyone from the younger members, five years old, up to the elders are learning more about business and are able to grow that source of knowledge. That will help the community as a whole.
Third is making sure we have something sustainable. There needs to be a long-term plan in place. One of my advisers for Canative Energy says that you need to be in it for the long run. This is not a short-term project. You may be looking at a short-term business model, but you need to be looking 50, 70, 100 years ahead. In my experience in the energy industry, that doesn't normally happen, so that's changing a way of thinking.
The last point, which I didn't get to mention, would be not to ignore the young voices in the industry. There is a lot of sexism, a lot of racism and a lot of ageism. One of the exciting things for me, in returning to Canada, is engaging with my indigenous peer group, who are doing very exciting things and have a very different view of the world. Yes, we look forward to being heard.