Absolutely. We've been working since we went through the audit, and we would, of course, have seen the findings before they were made public, which is the general process. Once we recognized, through the Auditor General's work, the gaps that we had in some of our own record keeping, we immediately started to put in place changes as to how we keep the records.
We put in place new electronic systems to gather and maintain those records. We've now published on our website a list of all of the conditions that we put on pipelines and where they're at. Have they been complied with? Are they in progress? Are they still pending? We've made a number of internal changes that allow us to ensure that we are tracking the conditions that we put on projects, that we know what the situation is with those, and that our records can easily be found to show where we're at with a given condition and given requirement, and whether or not it's been complied with and whether or not follow-up action is necessary.