I will take that in three parts.
I will start with generating the ponds. What we're doing and investigating and working on in collaboration with industry is how we can ensure that less of the material goes into the tailing ponds. This is where new technologies, like using a hybrid, which use a lot less water, or you use no water at all in the extraction process, generates a different kind of tailings that doesn't have as much water in it. It consolidates faster. That is one aspect of addressing the tailing ponds issues.
Then with the material that's already been generated, we are looking at things like the geotechnical stability of the tailings ponds. We work in collaboration with our colleagues in the Canadian Forest Service, CFS. We have to get the ponds stable before we can starting talking about reclamation, so we work in collaboration with them on that.
We also look at things like the GHG emissions from the tailings ponds. How can we mitigate or manage them? How can you also ensure the release of water from the tailings ponds? To what extent can you treat the water that is released so that it can be reused or released back into the environment. It's a multi-faceted approach which is still ongoing.