The most effective way for our company would be for the government to be in a position to approve projects where they have the support of local communities and the business makes sense. From our point of view, as I said, the mining sector in Canada is a very strong sector. We do have projects that we are interested in within Canada, and we are looking for ways to have those projects approved.
The concern for us these days is that the projects that are producing now, the mines that are producing now, were based on decisions that were made sometimes decades ago. With the amount of time that it takes to get a new mine into production and the amount of time that it takes in order to get approvals, you're looking at no new mines coming online for another 10 or 15 years. We're concerned that there may be a production gap between the approval of new mines and the ability of our legacy assets to continue producing.
I guess my one request of the government would be to look at ways to have approvals for new projects that have the support of communities and sound market fundamentals.