Thank you very much, Mr. Chair, I appreciate it.
Thanks to all the witnesses for being here this morning. It's great information.
I want to start with Ms. Fedorchuk, in Saskatchewan.
I grew up in Yorkton, Saskatchewan. I know the impact that the Esterhazy mine has had on that part of the province, and the economic boom that it has brought to what was a downtrodden area of Saskatchewan at one time. I found it interesting with some of the numbers that you are talking about in your presentation for the mine and Mosaic at more than $8 billion in sales last year. Potash is Canada's second-highest valued mineral right now. It shows the economic impact of not only Mosaic, but of that industry on the whole.
You talked about your goal of reducing emissions by 10% by 2020. I'm wondering how yesterday's announcement from the Liberal government of a $50 per tonne carbon tax over the next four years is going to impact the goal of reducing your emissions. Your premier called yesterday's announcement “grossly arrogant”. In a province where the residents do not support a carbon tax, and the Liberal government is now imposing a carbon tax on your province and your industry, what kind of impact this is going to have on Mosaic?