Thank you, and Ms. Stubbs certainly would ask questions if she were feeling better today.
To follow up with Mr. Serré's point, I think it is fairly evident that batteries don't work as well in cold weather, and you are dealing with some of the most extreme temperatures in Canada. While Tesla might work nicely in Toronto and Vancouver, battery-powered D10s are not on. Obviously, there's room for improvement, but to suggest that an entire fleet of heavy equipment can be switched over to battery power, I think, is...certainly not in the short term, and not with the current technology that we have.
I wanted to go back to the proposed changes in Bill C-17. I'm a bit concerned that the Klondike placer miners were not consulted on the carbon tax being imposed on their industry, and they were not consulted, as well, on the Bill C-17 changes to repeal a number of improvements to the regulatory regime in the Yukon.
Could you give me an indication of what is the current average time frame for a project for your industry, if you're going into a new area or if they're reconsidering putting you through the wringer again for a project that has not had a significant change? What are the current timelines from the time you submit your application until you would expect to receive final approval to proceed?