I would say our investment and innovation have not really changed a whole lot, even in the downturn. Part of our innovation philosophy is that we have to innovate. Our company was the founder in the oil sands. The only way we've gotten to where we are today is through innovation.
Even though $200 million doesn't sound like a lot, we also do a lot of collaboration through COSIA and through other types of partnerships, and through research with academia and so on.
I would say we're always looking for opportunities. I would say we're also very active in a lot of different types of technology right across the full spectrum. When we're looking at innovation and investing it, we look at how to leverage that. We don't do innovation to keep the IP to ourselves. We look at how we can share that so it's part of an industry-wide process and we can actually make sure we're benefiting as an industry. That's part of the concept—I know Dan Wicklum was here—around COSIA.
For us, it's $200 million. That does fluctuate a little bit depending on which projects we're proceeding with. It is certainly one of the areas that we have not cut substantially even in the downturn.