I think the biggest challenge, again, for a lot of these kids is not getting through university; it's getting to university. It's getting through high school. It's getting them inspired. I think there are ways to improve that and recognize that.
We have a program at Lakehead called the aboriginal mentorship program, which has been running for a few years. We connect first nations high school students with, ideally, first nations students at university, and the students then mentor them. They make university a less scary place, a less frightening place, and something they can feel more comfortable in and can aspire to achieve in. I think providing good role models for community members of the benefits of going to university so they can see that they can still come back to their communities and are not going to be lost to their communities, which I think is often a fear of some of the elders, can help to improve that.
I think my president would be very upset if I didn't say remove the funding cap. Improving funding and facilitating that is critical, but I think the main challenge is getting those students through high school and into the university. We have fairly good systems to get them through university. The challenge is getting them into university.