I totally appreciate your comments on that. I think that, as you've seen so far, Kim is very supportive of your industry, and I can assure you that on behalf of the one nuclear power plant that we have in New Brunswick, we're very proud of that nuclear power plant. I know that our minister of energy in New Brunswick is constantly flogging that within our province, and how supportive he is of that.
I agree it is something that needs political leaders to support, because it has had such a negative connotation in the past. This isn't reflective of the Canadian industry at all; it's reflective of circumstances that have been created by other jurisdictions around the globe in the past. But I think it's our responsibility, both within government and within industry, to help to change those myths surrounding nuclear and see it as the forefront of a natural strategy for energy going forward, because it will be an integral part of our energy strategy in the future.