Good morning, Mr. Chair and committee members. My name is Justin Hannah. I'm the director of marketing and external relations for SNC-Lavalin and Candu Energy.
I'd first like to thank you for the opportunity to speak to this committee to discuss the future of the nuclear energy sector. As a tier one nuclear company, SNC-Lavalin has a significant role in shaping and leading the direction of this important sector to the benefit of all Canadians. The global reach and pedigree of our organization puts us in a unique position to pursue significant opportunities that will help the Government of Canada achieve many of its objectives in the areas of innovation, climate change, and sustainable development.
Canada has played a leading role in the nuclear sector since the 1950s, and it is vital for this committee to understand the key issues and how government policy can support this further. Our role as a tier one nuclear nation is to some degree at risk, and it is important for this committee to understand the role Canada can play as technologies, issues, and new nations rise to the forefront in this sector.
The threat of global climate change is one of the most daunting challenges we face as a civilization. Decisions that are made over the next decade will have a profound effect on future generations. It has been widely recognized by credible organizations around the world that nuclear energy must play a significant role in any scenario that reduces global CO2 emissions.
In Canada, our unique CANDU technology, and the men and women who fostered its development, have made significant contributions to the economy and industry on a domestic and international scale. The Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, known as the birthplace of CANDU technology, has been a source of significant innovation over the decades. As one of the largest R and D facilities in Canada, it has made scientific contributions in the areas of physics, nuclear medicine, and material science, to name a few. It has also contributed to the careers of two Nobel Prize winners from Canada, Dr. Bertram Brockhouse and Arthur McDonald.
CANDU technology has been exported successfully to China, India, South Korea, Romania, and Argentina, among others. The technology remains one of the single largest R and D investments ever made by the federal government, and it still supports many of its key policy priorities.
Going forward, our organization, with the support of the government and the Canadian nuclear supply chain, is well positioned to capture nuclear projects in the areas of nuclear new builds, life extension, and decommissioning.
We have expanded our geographic footprint to new markets, such as the United Kingdom and United States, and we are engaged with several others. Each one of these multi-billion dollar opportunities plays an important role in helping the industry flourish and expand. There are over 200 small and medium-sized enterprises throughout the country that benefit from ongoing investment in the sector. Just recently, a major step to a new CANDU unit in Argentina is both a significant milestone for SNC-Lavalin and an opportunity for the industry.
A project of specific interest is the joint development of the advanced fuel CANDU reactor with our partners at China National Nuclear Corporation. The project is aimed at adapting the unique design of the CANDU reactor to utilize recycled uranium fuel, and in the longer term, thorium. This significant innovation positions the AFCR as a more sustainable nuclear solution through its ability to consume spent nuclear fuel and to reduce overall waste volume by 30% to 40%. It will also allow China to expand its nuclear fleet while reducing dependence on imported uranium and coal-fired electricity, all while meeting the highest safety standards and environmental protections.
Just this past September, SNC-Lavalin and CNNC signed a joint venture agreement in Ottawa, in the presence of the Prime Minister and Chinese Premier Li, to signify the bilateral commitment of our organizations and countries to further progress this innovative technology.
The Government of Canada has a clear commitment to combatting climate change. We are encouraged by the feedback we have received on the role nuclear plays in reducing carbon dioxide emissions and in contributing to low-carbon power. Canada was one of eight countries that identified nuclear energy as part of it mission innovation commitments at COP21 last year. More recently, the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change submitted a report to the United Nations that outlined the country's road map to meet its climate change commitments. Five of the six scenarios showed a significant need for increased nuclear generation capacity in Canada to meet these promises.
In Ontario the life extension of the ten CANDU units at Bruce and Darlington is one of the single largest investments in low-carbon technology in North America. It will allow these units to operate and continue to provide clean, low carbon power past 2050. The earlier restart of two nuclear units at the Bruce site was one of the key enablers that allowed Ontario to shut down its last coal-fired power stations and become one of the lowest-carbon jurisdictions in Canada.
I would be remiss if I didn't mention that the sector does have its fair share of challenges. The entire Canadian nuclear industry is keenly aware that delivering projects, such as Bruce and Darlington, on time and on schedule is critical to maintaining the faith of the public and stakeholders in government.
In addition, our ability to engage the public to maintain and strengthen social licence is an ongoing responsibility of the industry. We need to ensure that the public is engaged in a science- and fact-based discussion on the merits of nuclear technology and as one of the options before them as key policy decisions are made on energy.
The reinvestment of Canadian Nuclear Laboratories under the government-owned contractor-operated structure will also have a significant impact on the nuclear industry's future direction. The emergence of small modular reactor technology and the end of operating life of the NRU research reactor create both opportunities and challenges for the lab as it maps out its further direction.
Lastly, the establishment of a long-term spent fuel repository under the mandate of the Nuclear Waste Management Organization will be critical to assuring the public that the impact on future generations is strongly taken into consideration.
In closing, it is our view that nuclear energy and the Canadian nuclear industry have a significant role to play in the country's low-carbon future. Our accomplishments, our human assets, and our experience are world class. They put us in a unique position as a country to make a significant impact both domestically and internationally in the areas of climate change, but so much more. As the proud stewards of Canadian CANDU technology, SNC-Lavalin recognizes the leadership role we have in shaping the future of the Canadian nuclear industy and its future success. We view the Government of Canada as one of our key partners to enable this through sound policy, judgment, and support.
Thank you very much.