Transportation is a little beyond my area of expertise.
Perhaps the others could solicit witness views on this. There is a significant infrastructure fund that has been set aside. Whether this will address those particular demands, I wouldn't want to mislead the committee members in any kind of way. It's not my area of activity.
One thing I'd like to point out as it relates to energy R and D and the kind of mining projects you've described, which I think would be of particular interest, is looking at both increasing the use of renewable energy to power some of those mines, which in most cases are upgrades, and using wind power as a key source of production. Another area that has been quite promising in our view is looking at the energy input for the production of those mines. After labour it's the second highest input cost for the activities of those mines. Industry has conveyed to us a keen interest to look at novel ways to reduce the energy demands, particularly in terms of ventilation where a lot of wasted heat is being produced, and using automotive vehicles and things like this for the underground mining activities.
On road transportation, I'm probably not the best one to answer that one.