The model is not the driver. Set the model aside. If the lab wanted to continue and be successful in nuclear technology going forward, and it still maintained that it was going to stay only with the CANDU technology going forward, I'm afraid that it would not survive without a huge injection from Canadians taxpayers.
The fact of the matter is there are 400-plus other reactors out there that need support and life extension. There are new technologies that are coming on board around the world. We have scientists and technologists who can do all sorts of great stuff that can support them as well. By doing that, you take more of the burden off the Canadian taxpayers. Now bring in the GOCO model. It does not enrich our partners by us going external or outside. That's not how it's constructed. As we said earlier, AECL sets what we have to do, and what we do aligns with what the federal needs are to the taxpayer. It's all aligned. We're all pulling on the rope in the same direction, and that pulling on the rope would still include going external from Canada in the future for us to be successful.