Right now, I will struggle to give you exact ratios.
I can tell you that, obviously, the amount of external commercial funds that we're getting in revenue right now is dropping because we're not making “molly” anymore. That obviously took a bit of a dip in how much external cash we're getting in. We are targeting to get over $150 million or $160 million from commercial revenues in the next 10 years. We exceeded our target this year by 50%, so we've had a great year. We've had a great year right out of the blocks in providing some more revenue to offset how much money we need from the purse.
In the long term, there still will be a balance between the federal government and the commercial revenues because we're a national nuclear lab and are here with a number of technologies and capabilities that support the federal government in answering questions on things like biological research, the effects of low levels of radiation, waste treatment, etc. As for exactly how that will be in the future, we have projections, but we won't know until we get further into some of the new missions that we're going after right now.