The ultimate goal for us is to bring more S and T to the site. That's the ultimate goal of this model, for us to improve on efficiencies of delivery, improve the infrastructure so there aren't those frustrations on old equipment and facilities, and think in a more business development perspective, which brings in more revenue, so we have more funds in order for us to do some of the research that we want to do.
The ultimate goal for all of that is to improve on the S and T side. To get there, though, is going to require a lot of transformation and the big “c” word, change. People are going to have to get used to doing things in a bit of a different way. We're just starting that journey right now with them, and there is a bit of uncertainty as to what it is. It is our job to plot the course and allay their fears as to what this change is going to be about. Repeatedly, this is about S and T ultimately. That's what it's about.