Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I would like to thank the witnesses for participating in the study, because it's a very important study.
Before I ask any questions, I want to make a comment.
Innovation does have a certain risk, and a lot of times that risk is put on the taxpayer. The taxpayer only has so many dollars. What may work in one community in one part of the country may not work in another.
I was involved in.... They constructed a government building, and they had solar heating to heat a certain part of the building—well, to subsidize it, anyway. It worked well in the south. It did what it was supposed to do. However, moving north, we had challenges. It was not producing enough heat. Actually, it was costing, as new boilers had to be put in to heat the space that was supposed to use solar heating.
Then in the summertime the heat load was too much, so we had to put a bigger chiller in. All of this innovation probably cost, operation-wise, in excess of 20%. Not all innovation works everywhere.
I'm going to ask Peter a question.
Are you aware of any of the performance contracts that went south and didn't work out the way they were supposed to?