I wouldn't say that the Conference Board would assist with specific technologies, but in terms of establishing a framework in order to de-risk as much as possible the process of bringing a concept to the lab, to the commercialization phase, and the scaling phase, I think we can offer some insights.
The Conference Board has an initiative called the Centre for Business Innovation. It has talked a lot about managerial capacity in the infancy of Canada's credit experience in risk capital—not the lack of capital, but the risk capital, and how angel investors, for example, come in, and that culture of risk capital that is not well established in Canada.
As part of the work we've done—in fact, as part of this report—we talk about core principles in funding Canada's emerging innovators. The report talks about the whole notion of financial risk and ROI. We come at this being totally disinterested, as I mentioned. We're not in favour of one technology versus another. It's about some core principles that are applied to funding new ideas throughout, I would say, the innovator's supply chain, from concept to bringing a product to market and scaling it.