I do believe that supports our business. We've run the numbers, based on carbon mixtures in certain provinces, and we see that it supports us. We believe there's probably an opportunity, not directly, in terms of how we're offsetting.... For example, Ontario has a very clean energy mix; Quebec has a very clean energy mix; and British Columbia already has, so when you're talking about a carbon displacement from a purely renewable source, we don't actually have that great an impact from that perspective. When we quantify it, we're looking at fractions of a penny. Alberta currently has some of the largest carbon mix within its energy production, but we're modelling maybe potentially a one-cent or two-cent future offset value. I think where we're going to see a benefit is with the government's being able to collect the funds and redistribute those for further and further investment into renewable energy adoption.
It supports us, and we're for it, but it doesn't add a lot to our delivered cost, especially in jurisdictions where there's already a clean energy mix.