GHGs, greenhouse gas emissions, are one of our top four priority areas. Many of the projects, not only in what we call that environmental priority area, or EPA, but also the ones in the other EPAs, have a direct reduction of energy or reduction of GHG emissions potential. Again, that's one of the company's highest priorities.
One of the things we're doing is we take what we call a directed innovation approach. You can think of innovation in two ways. One is essentially just asking anyone if they have a good idea, and then seeing if it maps to oil sands or whether it could be used in an oil sands context. That's one approach, and that can yield good results. What we try to do is exactly the opposite. We try to get the smartest, most informed, most motivated people, figuratively, in a room, and then articulate exactly what we're trying to accomplish. Then we tell that to the world. We call it very directed. It's actually creating your own future. One of the best examples of directed innovation was when President Kennedy stood up and said, “Watch us, We're going to put a person on the moon by the end of the decade.” That's the type of thing we do at COSIA: we define the future and then make it through a top-down, directed innovation approach, as opposed to a bottom-up or passive innovation approach.