Thank you very much, Mrs. Stubbs.
It's incredibly important to benchmark how we do things in Canada, and the global big picture of oil and energy demand, through the success of our businesses. Energy demand for everything is going up. Some of our big pipeline companies have been able to diversify into other forms of energy production such as solar, wind, and geothermal. There are a number of fantastic success stories.
We should be diversifying as things are getting better, rather than trying to diversify and adding costs and regulation when things aren't improving. We need to make sure that our industry can compete globally in a lower commodity price environment. That means benchmarking what we're doing against our competitors and around the world.
A great example would be that Canada is ranked number two in the world for the social progress index. We're importing oil right now in eastern Canada from countries that are way down the list, that do not have the same values as us, and do not respect human rights the same way we do.
I would also like to say that if you look back at the oil sands and when the first barrel was produced, you see that they've gone through a number of different evolutions in how production happens. In mining, it used to be with a large bucket wheel; now it's truck and shovel. The newest oil sands mine is producing oil that's within a couple of per cent of the average barrel imported into the United States, using a paraffinic froth treatment process. Technology, innovation, and research are driving the oil sands.
We have a huge opportunity as well in this country with liquefied natural gas. This has contributed immensely to our quality of life and to our social services—paying for our doctors, teachers, and front-line responders.