I'll start with the second half. We align very well with the mining industry. There was a question over there about fallow or end-of-life oil wells, etc. One of the very big interests that companies like Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. and Imaginea, a smaller oil player in the oil sands, have expressed is that we fit very well with their initiative to produce a lower carbon oil, something of great benefit to them. So we align very well. In terms of deployment, again, it's all about capital.
With respect to the National Research Council, I think their communication policy is poor. There's not much that they do in terms of self promotion. They have somewhere in the order of 7,500 Twitter followers. I'm not actually a major Twitter user myself, but I do understand that the kids like it. They could do a much better job of celebrating what they've done. There is this humility that seems to be built into all Canadians where we don't really like to stand up and say look at me, we do great work. They could do that more regularly and more continuously. Accounting associations promote themselves. Engineers promote themselves. The National Research Council doesn't do very much. I've never seen a commercial.