Thank you.
Good afternoon, Chair, honourable members, committee staff, and fellow witnesses. We would like to thank the committee for the opportunity to appear before you today and to contribute to your study on clean technology in Canada's natural resources sector.
My name is Brian St. Louis, manager of government affairs for Avalon Advanced Materials. I'm here with my colleague Gregory Bowes, CEO of Northern Graphite. Together we are representing the Ontario Cleantech Materials Group, or OCMG.
My remarks today will focus on the immediate opportunity for Canada to leverage its natural resource wealth to participate in rapidly growing clean tech supply chains. This can be achieved by producing the critical materials and by manufacturing the value-added advanced manufacturing products required via sustainable methods. The government can establish policy instruments that support pilot and demonstration projects as well as process development work to capitalize on these opportunities that are central to the shift to a low-carbon economy and ultimately create jobs and economic opportunities, including in northern and indigenous communities.
As a brief introduction, the establishment of the OCMG was sparked by the Ontario Ministry of Northern Development and Mines, who hosted a battery supply chain round table in October of last year. This was followed two weeks later, at the mining innovation summit in Sudbury, with the panel, “Hot Commodities: New Materials and New Opportunities for a Low Carbon Economy”.
The OCMG's overriding goal is to stimulate the production of value-added clean tech materials and to leverage this Canadian strategic advantage into anchoring the domestic manufacturing of downstream clean tech components and end products. This is being pursued by increasing awareness, engagement, partnerships, and collaboration to establish hubs for advanced material production and innovation. This is all with the realization that numerous materials, such as refined forms of graphite, lithium, rare earth elements, cobalt, vanadium, and others, are absolutely fundamental to the mass uptake of clean energy technologies, including electric vehicles, wind and solar power, fuel cells, and other clean energy sources.
The OCMG is a collaborative network of industry and academia. It does not have any membership dues. It has no paid or permanent staff. We are not looking for support for the group itself. We do, however, recognize that all clean tech material companies have needs and challenges that, while shared at the macro level, are complex and unique. Working within smaller and less formal collaborative networks, as enabled and demonstrated by the OCMG, allows for flexibility and specificity. While companies should not have to go it alone, the group fully understands and appreciates that it is SMEs themselves, not groups or associations, who need the investment to commercialize and produce real results.
Today the OCMG has 17 members, as listed in the presentation shared with the committee. They span the supply chain, from production and manufacturing to research and development, and include commercial laboratories, battery manufacturing, and battery recycling companies. This full supply chain is supported by members from leading universities, associations, and service providers. The OCMG is an open and collaborative network and effort, focused on advocating for the industry and not individual companies or projects. It is open to all those participating in these supply chains. Within this group you have the players needed to create clean tech material supply chains right here in Canada.
What does this collaboration entail? Examples include material companies working with commercial labs or universities to do the following: first, optimize their individual innovative processes to improve product economics and product quality; second, maximize resource efficiency and reduce the environmental footprint by reducing the need for, or recycling of, energy, water, heat, and reagents in extraction and processing technologies; third, extract materials that can be manufactured into specialty products that may not have been previously produced without process innovation; and last, extract and recycle clean tech materials from discarded products.
Academic institutions also play a central role by supporting two other areas. The first area is the identification, training, and development of the highly qualified personnel who are and will be needed by the industry. The second area is by assisting clean tech material companies prepare themselves not just for the current needs of clean and high tech products but also for the next generation of technologies and their accompanying special material needs.
Overall, clean tech materials are and will continue to be critical inputs to the products that reduce and prevent adverse environmental outcomes and that ultimately enable a low-carbon economy. Furthermore, for both environmental and economic reasons, creating or recycling these products in the most efficient and environmentally friendly way possible is a necessity, and frankly, it's something that's demanded by consumers and customers.
One question posed by the committee was about what types of risk the federal government could address to help de-risk the adoption of clean technology in the natural resources sectors.
As mentioned, it is the innovative processes developed by Canadian companies and their partners that allow the production of these specially engineered clean tech materials. As with any innovative process, much work and ultimately funding must go into research and development, and then it's scaling up these technologies and processes. The development is high risk and high cost and does not have the immediate upside that would be sought by traditional investors.
As assistant deputy minister Frank Des Rosiers noted in his testimony before the committee, this leads to many Canadian SMEs falling into the “valley of death”, or perhaps less ominously labelled, the “commercialization gap”. The committee has heard wide-ranging testimony on this topic, thus I would simply strongly echo that this is an immense challenge for the clean tech materials sector, and it must be overcome if Canada is to have a success in this area and compete globally.
The processing challenges of the base and precious metal industries are well known and the marketing straightforward. The same is not true of lithium, cobalt, graphite, the rare earths, and many other specialty metals and minerals. Therefore, what are the best practice policy instruments for de-risking clean technology in the clean tech materials sector?
First, the government must support innovative Canadian clean tech SMEs in piloting and/or demonstrating their innovative processes, as financing a scale-up of technology is the most dominant barrier to these companies. This is not to say that the government must go this alone. To the contrary, there should and must be a willingness of private companies, partners, and investors to be directly involved.
Second, the committee heard in a previous study how effective the flow-through share program has been in enabling junior companies to raise exploration in some forms of project development financing. However, the new realities in material production for the clean tech sector are not the same as in the traditional mineral development sector. Commercialization involves extensive research, process development, and pilot plant testing to demonstrate that these processes can be scaled up and commercial products produced while at the same time mitigating environmental impacts.
Some of this process development work is not currently incorporated within the flow-through framework. There's a recommendation of the OCMG that the flow-through program be amended to cover these critical parts of commercializing the production of clean tech materials and the value-added products derived therefrom. It should be kept in mind that this is driven by private investors, private equity firms, and other sources of investment funds essentially in partnership with the government, which can inject some of the much-needed capital into the industry.
The OCMG is mindful that there are many good and valid competing interests and is willing and able to work with government to determine what aspects of development and demonstration processes qualify and to help establish guidelines by project and by company that are impactful, yet are not—nor do they become—an onerous burden on the government. The outcome of this would be to allow clean tech material companies and downstream process innovators to raise the risk capital necessary for small-scale early-stage innovation and process development that leads to the scaling up of technologies and commercializing these results.
One organization that supports pilot and demonstration projects is Sustainable Development Technology Canada, which has been successful in assisting growing and innovative Canadian SMEs via investment. However, SDTC does operate under a somewhat rigid framework that can constrain its abilities to incorporate some of the strategic and policy objectives that are central to government priorities.
Another example is the Quebec provincial government, which is already successfully investing in the clean tech materials sector while offering complementary support to private funders and partners via Ressources Québec, a subsidiary of Investissement Québec, as well as directly via other government departments.
In conclusion, what recommendations to the Government of Canada should the committee consider for its final report? The OCMG recommends that the government, first, support commercialization projects in the clean tech materials sector via development policy instruments that are focused on clean tech supply chain development, innovation, and resource efficiency; and second, amend the existing flow-through share program to better support clean tech material process innovation, development, and ultimately commercialization.
Thank you to the committee for inviting the Ontario Cleantech Materials Group to appear before you today. We look forward to your questions.