I'll start with your last point and of course, there's been this new report that came out through the David Suzuki Foundation that methane has been under-reported in the industry. I think the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers has come out quite strongly to refute the underlying assumptions of that report.
I will say that, according to the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, even if the United States went forward and was successful under the Obama requirements to reduce methane venting and emissions by 45%, Canada would still have been lower, so we're already well ahead.
I can tell you at the same time that, in terms of technologies, we're well ahead mostly due to regulations and requirements to flare. Restrictions on how much you're allowed to flare are just so much stricter in Canada than they are in many places in the United States, and venting as well.
I'll just offer an example where we could do better. Questor—not to be confused with Questerre, which is my company—Technology has an incinerator technology, not a lot more expensive than flaring, but it is a bit more expensive. As a result, it has not been widely adopted, even though it would clearly reduce these emissions even more.
Just getting back to the great incentive we have to be the world leader by more than 45% on this issue, it's a combination of regulatory approaches and technology that could be adopted elsewhere, and also I acknowledge that there is absolutely room to improve, as I think Evergreen and Nathan were talking about.
Then on the beginning of your question, we're very excited to take the idea of Suzanne West's, and I give her full credit for having had the idea of a new way of thinking about our industry. It may not be a new way of doing things, but a new way of thinking about what we do. I'm excited that in Quebec we do have that zero-emissions energy source. If we can eliminate all the diesel generators, which we can, if we can eliminate all the natural gas or diesel compressors, which we can, we can achieve the dream that she had of zero-emission natural gas in Quebec, yet we have people opposing it on the basis that any new local business in Quebec would increase emissions. It's true in Quebec, but we would have a massive reduction of global emissions, yet that doesn't seem to matter to some people.