We have a seven-phase plan from now until 2030. It aligns with the Transition énergétique Québec, which is their plan and actually goes to 2050 but they have milestones at 2020, 2030, and 2050. We're lining up with the 2030 milestone as a target to be at zero-emissions production of natural gas in Quebec. Just with what we know and what we've been able to accomplish, there have been quite dramatic improvements in technology already, as we've seen in the United States in the shale gas.
In the early stages of our goal of being at zero emissions, zero fresh water, and 100% biodegradable chemicals, where we're at and what we've already developed is that we can electrify the compression, instead of using hydrocarbons to run compressors. We can electrify our dehydration equipment, which takes the excess water out of the natural gas. That can also be electrified. It takes that to near-zero emissions. In fact, most rigs already are called diesel electric rigs. They're electric rigs run by diesel generators. We just take those straight from the grid and eliminate all the emissions from the diesel generators.
We're already over 50% there in terms of reducing existing emissions on the drilling and completions of oil and gas wells, just by what we can do now today. We have 100% recyclable water. In Quebec, we have all the water testing, and that technology we have today. The future state would be to use grey water out of our sewage treatment plants and other places like that, and not use fresh drinking water for fracking. Then, on the biodegradable chemicals, right now, today, we can use frack fluids that are non-toxic but might not be non-bioaccumulable. But we think that by 2030 we can easily get to 100% biodegradable frack fluids as well.
The final step, which is going to take longer, is the adaptation of vapour recovery technology, already well implemented at refineries and other similar installations around the world, but of course those are very large projects, big economies of scale. The adaptation of vapour recovery technology to mobile drill sites would be really the final step toward getting us to zero-emissions production of oil and gas.
The one thing is that we get there in part by saying we're not getting [Technical difficulty—Editor]. We're looking at transportation as being more of a society problem and not directly related to oil and gas because everybody has to transport things. So we're not counting that when we say zero emissions.