Perfect. That takes care of the business on the agenda.
There are a couple of other things that we need to deal with. We're coming back here on Wednesday and we are going to have two groups of witnesses—three with the first group and one with the second group—but they're going to come at the same time in the first hour. They're going to make consecutive presentations, and then we can ask questions so we will have some time at the end of that. I propose that we use the balance of that meeting as a committee as a whole to set our agenda going forward from now until the end of June.
In that vein, I would like people to take a look at the witness list again and turn your minds to it when you're ready to talk in terms of timing, who, when, and whatnot so that we can get that tightened up and get that finished.
The second thing is that there is a delegation of Indonesian parliamentarians in Ottawa. They've expressed an interest in meeting with the members of this committee and the members of the environment committee. There is an informal meeting over coffee on Thursday morning between 9:30 and 10:30. We'll circulate a note.
Last, Mr. Cannings, just to clarify, you proposed that Deputy Minister Hamilton may come back. Is that what you're proposing?