Thank you, Chair.
Thank you both for coming.
I would like to reiterate both of your comments and my support for Canada moving to sources of non-emitting energy. I think that's a positive step. I am quite pleased that we are looking to phase out coal, and in Ontario, we have done so. That's a huge step. I'm very supportive of that.
Mr. Hornung, I don't know if you were here for the last part of the committee meeting when we talked about sources of energy, such as wind turbines. I mentioned that wind turbines have started to spring up in my area. It's pitted neighbour against neighbour, mostly blamed on the Green Energy Act here in Ontario.
One question that's come up repeatedly was mostly asked on the provincial level and through my provincial counterpart, but since I have you here, I'm going to quickly ask this question regarding wind turbines and birds. According to your website, in 2014, we had about 5,500 wind turbines in Canada. It says here, according to Environment Canada, that lands at approximately 45,000 bird deaths a year.
This was an issue that people in my community brought up as they were fighting the wind turbines coming into their community. They were basically steamrolled, but that's no fault of yours. That's an issue I have with the provincial government. Other industries are taking measures to help the health of wildlife. As of yet, I have seen nothing in our area. Could you update us on what your industry is doing, please?