Prices are coming down here as well. Alberta and Saskatchewan both have very aggressive targets in place for new wind energy development. They both currently have competitive tenders under way to procure new wind energy. I am extremely confident that we will see the lowest prices we've ever seen for wind energy in Canada coming out of those procurement processes, which will be announced in December in Alberta, and in the spring in Saskatchewan.
Wind in the United States has had a historical advantage relative to wind in Canada, because there is a production tax credit in the United States, which supports wind energy development. We do not have a similar initiative in Canada at this time, but that will be expiring in 2020, and once it has expired and we have a fully level playing field, we are confident that Canada will be able to compete. Our wind resource is generally better than in many parts of the U.S. and generally, in a number of jurisdictions, we have had fewer challenges in terms of moving forward and permitting wind energy projects than we see in many American jurisdictions.
I am very confident that wind will be able to compete. My colleague, Keith, mentioned the Massachusetts RFP, which just recently occurred. On a megawatt basis, most of the proposals that came in to support Massachusetts actually came from Canada. There was a blended hydro and wind energy mix from Emera, which drew on resources in the Atlantic provinces. Hydro-Québec put in a proposal with a hydro-wind energy mix, and they also put in an independent hydro proposal. There were wind energy producers that put in just a wind energy proposal. We are confident that, if those proposals are successful, that will open up significant new opportunities for Canada.
New York has a commitment to move to 50% renewable electricity by 2030. Under any analysis that I have seen, it has no capacity of being able to do that simply within New York state. It is going to have to look for electricity to come from outside New York's borders, and Canada is very well positioned to provide that.