I'll go back to what I said before, which is from Manitoba through to B.C. From an electricity-supply perspective, we're already one of the cleanest systems in terms of low carbon emissions, but if you look at 2030 and beyond, part of the country that really doesn't have a complete plan yet, other than closing some more coal units, of how to get even cleaner would be Alberta and Saskatchewan.
There's an opportunity for developments, whether from B.C. or from Manitoba or from both, to go into Saskatchewan and Alberta. I would say especially Alberta, because beyond just their current electricity system, they are also looking at how to further reduce the carbon intensity of the oil sands operations through the use of more electricity.
It's not just about replacing what exists. It could be about bringing even more electricity into that area to reduce the carbon intensity of the fuel they produce to make it more similar to other forms of oil and gas.