Thank you very much. It's good to be here with you, committee members. You've done the introduction, so I'll start with our opening statement.
Let me say that it's a pleasure to participate in today's hearings. Energy is a very hot topic these days, with tremendous changes taking place, driven largely by technology, customer needs, and climate change. With the democratization of energy systems, particularly in the electricity sector, consumers are becoming more engaged in decision-making, and are increasingly becoming consumers, generators, and active participants in the electricity system.
Climate change and both physical and cybersecurity threats are also impacting the grid, with several notable storms this past winter impacting hundreds of thousands of Canadians. Distributed energy and resilient grid equipment, coupled with smart grid platforms, can radically improve the resiliency of today's grid, improve energy efficiency, reduce emissions, and keep operational costs stable.
A key term in this transition is the concept of “smart grid”, which is a class of technologies that enables all elements of the electricity system to connect, including generation, transmission, distribution, and end-users. Each element can be monitored. They can share information with one another, react in real time, and manage the overall system for optimal performance.
Today, our electricity transmission system is already fairly smart, but it is the extension of these smarts to other elements of the system, including the power lines and transformers near our homes, that will lead this transformation. This will allow us to optimize the performance of the system, facilitate the introduction of electric vehicles, connect community solar projects, add home storage, and connect smart appliances and other smart devices. We believe that these factors will drive the next wave of transformation.
Today, I'd like to focus on four key elements of the energy system, and some of the key developments in each of these areas. The first is electricity generation, the second is the grid, the third is the electricity demand of end-users, and finally, some comments about economic value creation.
Let me start with electricity generation. There are two trends here that are quite notable. The first is the shift to cleaner sources of energy. This is being driven by increased renewable power, primarily wind and solar, which is moving onto the grid. These sources are intermittent. They need to be managed intelligently and backed by some combination of natural gas generation and storage.
The second major trend we see is the decentralization of power generation. In the past, power has been generated mostly by large, central generating facilities, but we are now seeing a major shift toward distributed power generation. On the one hand, this is driven by renewable energy adoption; on the other, it is driven by businesses and individuals who wish to generate their own power. The business case for doing so is becoming more attractive, as a result of the falling costs of storage in solar, low natural gas prices, increased electricity rates, and the desire for reliable backup power.
In an interesting recent example, Siemens is involved in a project in Brooklyn, New York, whereby neighbours are able to trade the electricity generated on their own rooftops using blockchain technology. Both of these trends, but in particular the rise of distributed energy resources, create a much greater need for monitoring, control, and optimization. The distribution grid must become more intelligent, able to control generating assets and move power in many directions.
The second element is the grid. There are two elements to this that I'd like to highlight, the first being transmission. By transmitting and distributing power, the grid connects generators to end-users. On the transmission side, advances in high-voltage direct current transmission, or what is termed HVDC, now enable the transmission of electricity over long distances with virtually no losses. It can also reduce the costs of traditional overhead power lines. HVDC is also the only way to interconnect technically with transmission systems that are incompatible with other power networks. We see several of these in North America.
The implications of this are significant for Canada. For example, by extending the integration of energy-generating assets, one increases the prospect of greater use of hydro, wind, and other renewable resources across the country. This enables us to create a balanced mix of energy sources across regional grids, and export and share renewable power with other jurisdictions, including, of course, the United States.
Siemens has been involved in HVDC projects around the world, some of the longest of which are in China, although we've also recently completed two major projects in Alberta.
The second element of the grid that I'd highlight is distribution. We see that the distribution side of the grid is expected to undergo a massive transformation in the next five to 10 years, as the costs of solar storage drop, smart devices are connected to the grid, and consumers become active participants in generating and trading electricity.
The distribution grid, which currently sends power only in one direction is, for the most part, manually operated and is being digitalized. This offers greater flexibility and control over the generation and distribution of power, offering greater resiliency and the introduction of larger numbers of electric vehicles, including fast electric vehicle charging stations.
Local demand, generation, and storage are becoming more intelligently managed by software and being operated as microgrids. These microgrids in turn support distributed energy by enabling local renewable power generation to connect to the grid. These microgrids also increase resiliency and enable the electricity system to increase sufficiency and reduce emissions. For example, we have worked with Algonquin College in Ottawa to develop a microgrid that increases energy efficiency, reduces emissions, and enables the college to generate its own power while sharing power with a local utility. We've also developed this system in a way that creates a learning environment for students and supports the development of a new class of energy management skill sets.
The third element I'd focus on is the management of power consumption and the participation of end-users, the latter moving from passive consumers to active managers and producers, or “prosumers” as the term has come to be known. From smart thermostats to water heaters, to home solar and storage, consumers are taking an active role in managing their use of electricity. This is true not only for individuals but for businesses and institutions.
For example, we are working with New Brunswick Power to develop and deploy demand management technologies that will allow the shifting of peak power demands, with all the benefits this entails. This technology, for example, will enable the utility, businesses, campuses, and individual consumers to adjust time of use of electricity consumption. This opens up dramatic improvements in our ability to manage peak load and thereby reduce the need to build capacity and the costs of operating the grid. This flexibility will become even more critical with the adoption of electric vehicles, which will place unprecedented demands on the distribution grid.
My final comments relate to economic value creation. The energy system that is being transformed creates a unique opportunity for Canada to take the lead in this global transformation. By investing in smart grid innovation, Canada can develop and commercialize smart grid technology that can be exported worldwide. With the diversity of our provincial energy systems and their corresponding challenges, the blueprints created in Canada can be adopted to a broad spectrum of international jurisdictions.
Canada already has many strong leaders in the smart grid space who are eager to collaborate to make this vision a reality. Developing these technologies will require a strong body of software developers, power systems engineers, highly skilled technicians, and program managers. At Siemens Canada, we are committed to developing this talent pool via our engineering and technology dual education program. This is part of a broader transition in our educational system, which includes work-integrated learning. This allows students to gain direct hands-on experience and training with the advanced technologies that are driving this and other transformations, including defence manufacturing.
In summary and closing, the electricity sector is in transition and getting this transformation right is critical for Canada. Done right, a holistic and proactive approach will lower costs, increase resilience and reliability, reduce emissions, and create significant economic value for our country.
Mr. Chairman and committee members, that concludes my opening remarks.