In terms of business opportunities to grow the forest products sector, the first one we'd like to present here today is the cross-laminated timber product, which was developed mainly in Europe over the last 15 years. For those who may not be familiar with that product, you can see a picture on the bottom right-hand side of the slide. Cross-laminated timber allows you to take smaller pieces of lumber, like two-by-fours or two-by-sixes, and laminate them or glue them together under pressure and create panels that are structurally very strong. It allows you to build a building like you can see here on the slide. It's an 18-storey building. That's an example of a building built in Vancouver last year.
It allows us to use more wood in tall buildings and reduce the use of concrete and steel. It would allow us also, from an environmental point of view, to increase the carbon sequestration. If you look at this example in particular, it required eight times less carbon to build this building here in Vancouver versus using steel or concrete.
The other thing is that, if we could replicate that project in Canada, it would also reduce our dependence on the U.S. market for conventional dimension lumber. We see that product as an interesting place to invest time and research in order to increase the lumber consumption in the home market in Canada.