I look after the pulp and paper division. We have four large operations in New Brunswick producing just over 1.2 million tonnes of total product, all the way from primary residual use of our chips from our kraft pulp mill through to specialty paper. We have the most modern specialty paper mill in Canada today. We're just over 25% of the U.S. market of number of grades of paper. We make corrugated medium that we follow through to our sister company, which manufactures corrugated boxes and specialty boxes for pieces, tissue, and all different grades, all the way through to one of our highest value-added products, primary consumer tissue, at-home tissue grades. We produce about 220,000 tonnes, equally split between Canada and the U.S., about 50% both manufactured and sold in Canada and the U.S.
On the environmental side, through a number of programs over the last number of years, through Efficiency New Brunswick as well as some of the climate change programs that were offered through the federal government, predominantly the green transformation program, as well as some of the other programs, we've invested just shy of $120 million in our operations, and we've cut our greenhouse gases by over 50%. As a matter of fact, we've met what we believe would be the climate change targets for at least 2030 in our operations today. We've done that through energy efficiency, fuel switching, internal energy reductions, and so forth.
We actually had it announced that our pulp mill has been one of the largest investments in a pulp and paper operation in North America since 1993. It was a $550-million investment that we put our pulp mill through. We're about halfway through that modernization today, predominantly a productivity efficiency but also an energy efficiency. Today our mill is fuelled by about 90% biomass, internally supplied. Actually, we can go to 100% self-supply and completely disconnect from any external supplies of energy, if required.
When we talk about value added, J.D. Irving today is the most integrated forest products company in North America. A number of years ago, most of the forest products companies started to divest and focus on individual and very specific sectors. At J.D. Irving we go all the way from the seedling. We have our seedling nursery. We grow our seedlings, all our own harvesting operations, out to our woodlands. Our transportation companies take it to our primary manufacturing, which Jerome talked about; there's primary saw milling and primary use transportation, through to our secondary level of manufacturing, which is our pulp and paper and packaging operations, then all the way through our tissue operations, which continues to use the residuals as you go down the line.
Through that operation is where we generate all the...or we start with a seedling in the forest. We utilize about 9,500, almost 10,000, employees. For every one dollar in wood value on a standing tree, by the time we get it through to our tissue manufacturing, we've added about 35 times the value of that wood through the entire process, most of that within the province of New Brunswick. In terms of adding value, we certainly have believed that what Canada needs to do is continue to invest and get back into more of the secondary and tertiary value-added products. Tissue, box manufacturing, and most of that has migrated to the U.S. Our belief is that to really create value from the standing forest, you need to keep all those jobs in Canada and go through the entire value chain.