I think you're right. During the economic crisis of 2008 to 2010 we saw a lot of the changes that happened to our sector, and we lost about a third of the sector. The electronic age also came around. The pulping sector and the lumber side outside of trade disputes is doing well. We diversified. We used to go mostly to the United States. Now about 30% of our products are going to Asia. Globalization has made a difference, and I think we're better positioned today than we were five or 10 years ago.
We've also seen that we can't just rely on newsprint or even paper. We also need to transform. Those are the types of facilities I think you can use to make cellulose filaments. You can use the biomass to make some bioenergy. The traditional sector, like pulp, will continue. People need consumer products. We need to continue to build houses but we need to be able to diversify so if there is a crash in the market, if there is an impact, we're not as taken aback by that specific thing because we would have biofuel or electricity generation. Our facilities will be more diversified from economic impact so we could be able to handle the hit better.