When you look at a large company that employs lots of people, the same can be accomplished with hundreds of small businesses doing the same thing. When you take a large approach, it's usually a big processing plant. When you go to bioenergy, wood chips, or large amounts of biomass, you tend to focus on the lower value. Urban logging everywhere presents challenges with small bits of forest here and there, so in making these big projects, it's not viable to pick up all the little bits and pieces of wood.
Therefore, if you rely on lots of investment or smaller investments in small programs, it's just like having gas stations across the country. If you had only one big gas station, you'd need a heck of a tank to drive coast to coast. If you create multiple tiny, little clusters or funnels for tree and wood products or wood waste to go into, that would be the greatest success.
It would create the same amount of jobs. When you look at a place like Banff with timber framing, and Prince George with the high-rises and cross-laminated timbers, I think a bunch of small businesses can handle producing those products and building green neighbourhoods within their communities very successfully.