Chinese materials are actually crippling our local manufacturers. We can buy just as many domestic materials. The same domestic materials we can buy imported. What they found with the imported materials right now is that the Chinese government was caught subsidizing to a point where they were dumping them at an unfair rate.
To give you perspective, a domestic plywood sheet costs anywhere from $10 to $15, and sometimes $20 more a sheet domestically than does an imported board. What that does is that I'm forced to buy the import because the costs just aren't there for us to buy the domestic.
To be honest, if I could buy all domestic, I would, but the fact is that when we're pricing all these jobs everyone else is bidding based on the import materials, and we're stuck going that way. When we want to use the domestic side, we're stuck in the same situation where we have minimum orders for the cost, and the price is that much more.
I don't know if, as a whole, as a country, it's worth expanding that, as strong an industry as the forestry industry is. If anything, I think it's hurting our mills. In the last few years alone we've had—don't quote me on the exact number—two or three major mills either go under or be repurchased by other organizations. As an industry as a whole, we're suffering.