Good morning and thank you for the invitation.
My name is Chris Struthers. I run a small electrical power engineering consulting business in Penticton, British Columbia. My specialty is electric power. I'm not a forestry expert, but my work does take me to a wide range of clients in the resource industry, including pulp mills and biomass generators. I've worked on four different biomass power generation projects in the last few years and am now starting to work with some new clientele who have some very exciting innovative technologies that are showing a lot of promise for the forestry business. Particularly, these are sort of marriages of existing technologies that have been improved, and so the cross-pollination between different disciplines is starting to show up in some really interesting combinations.
The first one I'll talk about briefly is the marriage of traditional biomass combustion to power generation with large-scale grid battery technology. Thermal biomass power generation is not a particularly new thing. You burn wood to heat a boiler or some kind of fluid heat exchanger, and that can drive a turbine to make electricity. There's a thermal challenge with this, though, for some applications. It takes a long time for a thermal system to heat up or to cool down. It can't respond to load on demand very quickly. A good analogy is using wood to heat your house. If you've ever tried to fire up your wood stove on a minus 20 day to try to get your house heated up right away, you'll know it takes time. Conversely, it takes time to cool off again when you don't need that heat. The same challenge exists when you're trying to make electricity from biomass.
It makes it impractical to use biomass generation for, say, remote communities where the power load fluctuates during the day. Everybody gets up in the morning, fires up the toasters and the coffee makers, and you get a peak demand on the grid. You get another peak usually around suppertime, and then you get very little power consumption overnight. A traditional biomass generator has trouble with that.
Now we're seeing, with the rapid improvement in battery technology, that the marriage between biomass generation and batteries now makes for very interesting and worthwhile combinations specifically for remote communities that are not connected to the grid. Take, for example, a small remote community of, say, 500 people working on diesel power. Diesel engines are the generator of choice because you simply fuel them up, and the load can go up and down to match the demand very easily. Now, of course, you can take a biomass generator that is sized for the average load for the day, so it cannot provide all the power for the peak time, and it has to run fairly consistently over a 24-hour period. You couple that with a large-scale battery system and now you have a winning combination.
To give you an idea on the cost savings, diesel power is generated in a remote site for a cost somewhere between 25¢ and 35¢ per kilowatt hour. Biomass-plus-battery technology offers significant savings in the order of 15¢ to 20¢ per kilowatt hour. That includes the amortization of equipment, things like battery replacements, and the long-term costs. It's financially looking like a real winner, and of course the impact on greenhouse gas emissions is a very attractive improvement. Obviously, depending on the type of renewable feedstock you're using, you could essentially say it's almost carbon neutral. Certainly compared to diesel power it's a very attractive opposition.
One of the challenges in getting this technology in place is the inertia and the lack of willpower from power generation companies that have established ways of doing things, and finding the investment and capital to put it together.
The second technology I'm going to talk about briefly is the marriage of biomass gasification with another technology for gas to liquids, which is used to produce biodiesel, diesel fuel.
Just to give you a rough idea of what's doable, one cord load of typical pine firewood, if you like, can be converted into enough biodiesel fuel, roughly one barrel, to drive a mid-sized pickup truck from Ottawa to Toronto and back. One cord load goes into one barrel. It's quite a neat conversion.
There's a bit more to it than that. The process starts off with wood chips that get dried using waste heat from other parts of the process. We try to reuse as much of the off-product as we can, including waste heat. The waste heat is recycled and used to dry the wood chips. The wood chips are fed into what's called a pyrolysis chamber, where heat and pressure break it down into synthetic gas, also known as syngas, which is hydrogen and carbon monoxide. The waste product that comes out of the bottom is biochar, which is a clean charcoal source, which has a commercial use for soil enhancement. It's very good for replenishing soil, and it helps with moisture retention and things like that. Another very interesting property of biochar is that it essentially sequesters the carbon. In this process, some of the carbon in the wood will be sequestered if the biochar is put to use elsewhere.
The gas, of course, is the most interesting product coming out of it. It's converted to liquids using what's called the Fischer-Tropsch process. The hydrogen and the carbon monoxide basically get converted into longer hydrocarbon chains, such as diesel fuel. The technology is not new. It was invented in Germany in the thirties, and up to 25% of their vehicle fuel in the war effort came from this technology via gasified coal. So it's been around for a long time. There are some large commercial plants converting natural gas to diesel fuel in South Africa, Qatar, and Malaysia. These are huge, large-scale plants producing several hundred thousand barrels per day between them.
What's different about the technology now, and why is it of interest to the forestry business? When you combine this technology with the gasification of biomass, obviously you get a biodiesel, which is an attractive product. One of the interesting things about one of my clients is that they have managed to downscale the technology. Instead of having to build these huge, massive billion dollar complexes, they can get away with as little as 300 barrels a day of output and still be economically viable. This makes it very interesting for distributing this sort of system to locations that are smaller centres, more remote centres, where they have an abundance of both biomass and natural gas, and, of course, don't have refining capacity. They import all their diesel fuel. I'm thinking of areas like Peace River region, for example, that import huge quantities of diesel fuel for all their industries. They have an abundance of natural gas and an abundance of forest products. These would be ideal locations for this kind of technology.
Regulatory-wise, there are a lot of advantages to biodiesel for greenhouse gas emissions. We're seeing the development of Canada's clean fuel standard. A lot of provinces already have incentives or regulations in place for blending the fuel. This biodiesel, when blended, really makes a superior fuel. It's very clean and has almost no particulates from the biodiesel component, so you don't get any smog from it, and when it's blended it makes the base fuel even cleaner. It obviously reduces the greenhouse gas intensity of the total fuel, which is a big target in the market. It helps upgrade a low-quality fuel, and one of the very useful properties is that it's temperature stable. Some of the biofuel additives at the moment have problems in winter conditions. They're not temperature stable, whereas the biodiesel from these processes is very useful for cold places.
The economics are now there. One of my clients is in the process of siting a biomass-to-diesel fuel plant in the south Okanagan. They're in the process of dealing with the landlord and the permits now. Some of the other spinoffs are going to be waste heat. Some of the waste heat will be piped to greenhouses, potentially.
The process also produces clean water, which can be used for irrigation. There's, of course, the biochar, which again is very good for intensive horticulture. It's very good for soil enhancement. So there are a lot of real advantages.