You're quite right. A lot of the bio-generation technologies are coming from Europe. The battery technologies certainly are a little more domestic, which is very promising. Training-wise, the sorts of people who are needed to operate and maintain these plants are electricians, power engineers, and people with steam and combustion experience. It will take some long-term investment in training, making sure that folks all the way from high school are getting exposed to the technology fields. It's not something in which you could just train people overnight; they have to be groomed for it for some years.
The investment in education needs to start early. There are certainly a lot of good programs out there, but of course, in remote communities, it's a struggle for folks to travel somewhere for long periods of time to go to school. The payoff, eventually, is if those folks can return to their communities with the training in hand, it's not only that they are employed in their own community, but also that the community does not have to rely on expensive outsourced or imported labour from one of the bigger centres. Getting folks to move to smaller communities to maintain this sort of equipment is always a challenge.
Certainly the investment and making sure that there's outreach starting at the high school level, making sure that kids are encouraged to go into trades and technologies, is very important.