For many years the Wood Council in our woodworks program has tried to discuss this point with real property practices to see what those practices are and to see if they're fair. It's not a very transparent opportunity.
One of them, in the absence of an act like this or a policy would be to review those policies to make sure they are product neutral and greenhouse gas savvy. That's clearly one option that's available.
We see opportunities in B.C. and Quebec, but in Quebec, the Charte du bois is basically there. They say in public works you must show that you've considered wood, so on paper you have to show it. They have a committee that verifies these things down the road, but then it goes further. They say you must also do a greenhouse gas calculation. The decision is made on that. I don't know exactly how they balance cost and greenhouse gas, but that is what they do.
The wood first policy is not unlike that. It's more an act as well.