From the National Energy Board standpoint, we do operate at arm's length from the government. We're an independent agency, a creature of statute. We take our energy information mandate from our legislation and provide it. I can say there's no influence that flows from the government itself to the NEB. We consult with government agencies when we're creating our outlooks and our program about what their needs might be, but we don't take direction from them on either the products or the outcomes we have. We feel that information we have is independent from government.
In terms of reliability, we often do hear from people that we should emulate the EIA because their site on Canadian data is better than ours. Indeed, it's probably better than any one of ours, but in the collective sense, Canada's energy data is robust. It's a bit difficult to find, and that's an issue we should address, but I don't believe that either the EIA or the IEA have better data on Canada than Canada does.