Okay, thank you. You've kind of answered my question. You're not actually quantifying how many tier 4 emission vehicles are out there or how many pre-tier vehicles at all are consuming the fuel, which we're being told reduces greenhouse gases.
You're using a standard that, when diesel fuel is consumed, there's so much greenhouse gas emitted, and when aviation fuel is consumed, there's so much greenhouse gas emitted. It doesn't take into account at all the carbon emissions being produced by various types of engines. In other words, to me, when you're giving me a greenhouse gas emissions number, it's not accurate, because you don't take all the information into consideration. Yet you said that 75% of our greenhouse gases are contributed by fuel use.
Does your data also suggest that, as the price of those fuels increases, the behaviour of consumers changes? Does the volume go down based on price, or is the volume consistent and actually increasing every year?