Statistics Canada has a standing mandate to do that. They have the capability to do it. How it's accessed by the public is a different question, I think, and where the best portal is. You do have Statistics Canada and the NEB collecting different data, and it does mean that you have to search between them.
I will be honest: CANSIM, in its day, was world-leading, but now it's kind of awkward. You can go in there and find a hundred different series of the same thing. We can't all be experts in this stuff, so it needs to be made more accessible to the public and it has to be simplified.
As an example, the EIA has stated before that they needed to convey the data much more simply. Next week you'll probably hear from the EIA that it takes a lot of expertise to do that, but they are also very focused on that customer service angle as well in the delivery of user-friendly interfaces.