Professor Pineau, thank you so much for sharing your information. I'm looking forward to reading your slide deck on the proposed solutions.
You talked about the three issues that inhibit us from getting good data, which were incompleteness, incoherence, and scatteredness.
Can you tell us about the incomplete data? Is it because of the way in which it is being compiled right now that it's incomplete, or is it the case that there actually is incompleteness and, therefore, we are not collecting the information that we should be?
About incoherence, do you have recommendations about how to make the data more coherent and more accessible? In terms of the scatteredness, I think we already talked about StatsCan having a greater role or the potential for a central mechanism that actually allows for the data to be collected, analyzed, and used.
Maybe you could talk to me about recommendations around incoherence. How do you make it more coherent?