Yes, we should collect. It is sometimes collected by the firms. They will know what they're using and what they're leaving, but we don't collect that. If you want to start a new product, for instance, if you want to produce wood pellets, what would be your resource you can access and the transportation costs? With biomass and wood products, the big problem is cost because it's produced somewhere and you need to relocate the resource where it's useful. There are costs.
If we had access to more trains, transportation would be easier. It's all the data to—basically, we need to know the system and, at this point, we don't know the whole system. It's incomplete. There are holes in what we know and what we don't know. That's for the first part.
Regarding incoherence, I just think that it's that too few people pay attention to these issues. They don't call Statistics Canada and complain. I did complain. I will send you the three or four pages of problems I listed to Greg Peterson, who you actually received as a witness a few weeks ago. Greg Peterson is a great person. He thanked me for providing him with the list of issues.
We may have been the only ones who have really complained about this. We need more users to complain and I'm glad you have this committee and you are raising this issue because I think it's key for the future of Canada to have a better energy dataset. If it's incoherent, it's because someone didn't double-check things and didn't connect the dots. If you have two numbers that don't match, you need someone to work it out and find a solution as to why the data isn't the same. Someone has to scratch his head and find ways to have coherent data.