When I mentioned the problem to Statistics Canada, they said, “Yes, of course there are these discrepancies in data. It's because we have two surveys: one on production and deliveries, and one on consumption, and these two surveys don't match.” That was the answer. Basically, there's a survey looking at how much is used, and it shows a higher number than the survey that says how much natural gas is delivered into the system. Nobody seemed to care or to say, “This cannot be the case. There must be a problem somewhere, so someone should do an investigation and look into what is wrong in our survey.” There are two surveys, so that one survey, the consumption survey, shows a higher number than the production survey and the delivery survey.
Obviously nobody—well, maybe someone is now, but the problem is still there in the latest statistics because before bringing this issue to you I checked last week to see if it was still the case. It is still the case for the last year, 2016, that Quebec and other provinces are using more natural gas than they receive. It's not a question of storage or stocks. That's all taken into account. It's really that what's available to consumers is lower than what is claimed to be used. It's just that Statistics Canada accepts having these inconsistencies in their data, and they don't push further. Maybe they don't have the resources. Maybe the staff don't care. Maybe users don't complain. Maybe it's a mixture of all that, but the data is not serious. It's not serious in terms of data.
How can we solve the problem? I'm not a statistician. I'm not collecting data myself. I did collect data a few times in my research, but if you still have time, you should probably invite some people not from the EIA but from the IEA—the International Energy Agency.