Yes, they don't speak enough. They don't have a vision of what the energy data should be. With regard to electricity, in particular, it's a problem. That might be related to the fact that all electricity systems are provincially based, and then they basically operate in silos. Of course, they trade on the margin, but every province is operating its energy system within its own province as a silo.
If you look at, for example, Europe, there are many countries—27 countries—and they have a website. That's an example that I gave in my presentation, which you'll receive this afternoon. They have one website where you can have access to every European country. On an hourly basis, you can have the hourly consumption in France, Germany, Italy, etc. You go to one website, and you can have the production data—the hourly production data—for every country, and consumption data, and how much wind is produced in Denmark now, how much wind is produced in Spain now. They've been able to gather their data together—27 countries. We're 10 provinces, and we're not able to do that. I think it's a shame.
Electricity is extremely important to operate. We want the market to be active.