As industry, we are contributing to the Canadian economy. Obviously, we would be happy to be able to contribute more. I think one of the things to realize when you look at funding for this is that it probably isn't new money that you need to find. My guess is that you have almost every single organization doing some version of this and spending money on it.
By making a central group and removing this role from the countless areas in which it is done, I think you probably wouldn't be far from the dollars required to do this. Obviously that needs to be done.
But certainly, for example, just in the supercluster funding, there is a percentage allowed to do this work. My guess is that, rather than it being done separately by each supercluster, if you went to NRC, NRCan, and provincial groups across the country, you'd see that everybody is doing some version of this but in an isolated platform, each with developers. If you could pull this together and pull those monies, then with whatever additional new monies are there, all of us who benefit from this would have to figure out some way....