Even a small company, if it's operating, is going to have done a heat and material balance—sorry, I'm an engineer, too.
You can't operate efficiently without generating data. It's how you share that data easily and how it can be received easily that actually makes the difference. It's by having those kinds of central repositories that it can actually be aggregated.
It's not difficult. Every operation is going to have done a synopsis of their performance, at least in that month if not weekly, and now most of us actually have process control of something or other. Data is live, so you can make those kinds of decisions at basically any point in time, and we are getting much more predictive.
When I was on STIC and we were looking at data and trying to create the “State of the Nation” report, which is not dissimilar to a lot of the things here, it was a question of where to find that data but also how to talk about where you're going. All of the data is aged if it has come through Statistics Canada. It's a fantastic resource, but it's aged.
Now with the pace at which we innovate, if you're trying to say, “This is where Canada stands” or “This is where we have the capacity to grow,” you need to see what people are working on today. If, as Kathleen said, the new aluminum process has reduced emissions to close to zero, which is what it sounded like, and you don't have that in your modelling for where Canada is going, your modelling isn't accurate and it creates a much bleaker picture of where we are and what we do as a country.