Thank you very much, Ms. Thompson and Mr. Harmer, for coming today to help us with our study on energy data.
It's very interesting to know that Canada will finally have some geothermal in production in short order, which is great news. It seems to be possibly the cleanest of the energy sources. Even the heat dissipated from the use of the heat, either as electricity or to heat homes, or however, is then just recycled back into the earth. Very little of it is going to be expelled into space. It seems to be a no-brainer.
You've talked about certain types of data being of use to your industry. Can you explain a bit more? We already have some maps that you've provided. What additional mapping data should be made available? What additional survey should be made available? Is this something that the Government of Canada should undertake or something that it can simply compile from other people who are undertaking these geological surveys?